Tuesday, 29 March 2016



MA, PhD, CPsychol, FBPsS, FNPsS

1923, Born Teddington, London, 28th March.

1936 – 1940, Tonbridge School

1941 – 1945,Flight Lieutenant, RAF, A1 Flying Instructor


1946 – 1948
B.A. Hons. (Moral Sciences, Sir Frederick Bartlett), Magdalene College, Cambridge University, England.

1948 – 1949
Training in electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, Burden Neurological Institute, Bristol (Dr. W. Grey Walter):  Maudsley Hospital, London (Sirs Desmond Pond and Dennis Hill); National Hospital, Queen’s Square (Dr. W.A. Cobb).

1949 – 1953
Ph.D. Neuropsychology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
1962 Fellow of the British Psychological Society (FBPsS).
1986 Fellow of the Nigerian Psychological Society (FNPsS).
1988 Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society (CPsychol).


1993 – 1998
Visiting Professor in Psychology, University of Zimbabwe, Teaching Perception and Cognition, Human Motivation and Personality, Systems & Theories, and Introductory Psychology; supervising student 3rd year dissertation research on social representations of sexuality, AIDS, advertising, intelligence, love and witchcraft; conducting research on sexuality and sexual behaviour in Zimbabwe and the impact on rural communities of first as opposed to second order advertising.   Arranged international conference held at University of Zimbabwe in September 1996, entitled “Advertising Meets Academia”.

1989 – 1992
Academic Visitor in Psychology, Thames University (formerly Ealing College of Higher Education), London.   Presented papers at conferences, workshops and seminars in Bulgaria, Holland, Kenya, Sweden, UK, USA, on children in the information age; computers and intelligence; rural and urban studies of language development in Nigeria and Zimbabwe; history of psychology in Africa; sexuality and sexual behaviour among African women and men in London and Brussels;  traditional and contemporary art in Africa; educational and therapeutic implications of the mother-infant relation; sociopsychological implications of cross-cultural studies of moral development;  cognitive socialization in Europe and America of minority children of African descent; heuristic implications of variations in social and technological intelligence in western and nonwestern cultures.

1986 – 1989
Professor of Psychology, University of Zimbabwe, Harare.  Taught Introductory Psychology, Perception and Cognition, Systems and Theories in Psychology.   Supervised undergraduate and post-graduate dissertation research.  Advised Chairman on running of department.  Conducted and supervised laboratory and field research on computer-facilitated technological intelligence among Shona and Ndebele primary school children; phonological development in Shona speaking children aged 3 – 5 years; influence of home environment and micro- ecology on cognitive development in urban and rural Shona and Ndebele children; cross-cultural patterning of moral development; therapeutic
 implications of relationships of Shona mothers with normal and handicapped infants; language acquisition in Shona and Ndebele children; psychosocial adjustment of adolescents of interracial marriages;  sensory memory and temperament;  traditional healers and parapsychology.  Taught courses in Rehabilitational Psychology, School of Social Work, Harare. Initiated staff-student interaction visits between psychology departments in Zambia and Zimbabwe.   Member of Zimbabwe Psychological Society, Presented papers and seminars in Australia, Bulgaria, Holland, Kenya, South Africa, UK, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

1970 – 1985
Professor of Psychology, University of Lagos, Nigeria

1970 – 1982
Head, Department of Psychology, University of Lagos, Nigeria

Administrative duties as Head included developing new department, staff recruitment, curriculum development, evaluating conduct of undergraduate and post-graduate teaching and research, developing and seeking funding for departmental programmes of research, compiling and evaluating annual estimates, committee representation, placement of graduates, library development, general administration and liaison with other psychology departments in Nigeria, elsewhere in Africa, and overseas.

Professorial tasks included:
(a) teaching and seminars at all levels from undergraduate to doctoral, class sizes ranging from 6 – 700.    Courses taught included Psychological Foundations, Neuropsychology, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Practical Psychology, Systems and Theories in Psychology;
(b) Supervising undergraduate and post-graduate laboratory and field research projects in cognition, sociolinguistics and applied developmental psycholinguistics, infant and child perception development, mother-infant interaction and communication, moral attitudes and values in children and adults, social and technological intelligence;
© interview panels for professorial and lower academic posts in Lagos and other Nigerian university faculties including social sciences, education, law, arts, environmental design, medicine and humanities;
© external examining in Psychology and Education departments in Australia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Scotland and Zambia;
(e) promoting psychological awareness in Nigerian society through radio broadcasts, news media and public lectures;
(f) presenting results of research to the scientific world through international workshops and conferences in Australia, Canada, France, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Scotland, USA and Zambia;
(g) publication in learned journals and books.

1967 – 1970
Research Fellow, Center for Cognitive Studies, Harvard University, under Professor J S Bruner, Cambridge, USA.
Research on psychology of infancy with special reference to perception and the conditions of personhood; reflections on prior African experience in the light of knowledge acquired with Bruner and colleagues both in and out of the Center, notably in relation to social and technological intelligence development, linguistic philosophy, biological psychology and existential phenomenology; weekly seminar participation; consulting for Attleboro High School, Mass., on art as an educational tool; serving on grant evaluation committees; external examiner in psychology; workshops and conferences in USA, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, and France; publications in learned journals.

1961 – 1966
Principal Research Officer, National Institute of Health and Medical Research, National Research Council, later Ghana Academy of Sciences, Accra, Ghana, under Professor Joseph Gillman; appointed Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana, Legon, 1962. Duties included development of biopsychological research unit for introduction of total approach to health in developing countries; setting up laboratory for normative and clinical research in electroencephalography and psychophysiology; training of biopsychological technicians; urban and field research on social and cognitive development in infancy and childhood; development of psychological consulting and testing procedures with follow-up evaluation for Ghana Air Force, Ghana Airways and Nurses Training Colleges; application of culture-sensitive methods for group interviews, assessment of individuals in leaderless groups, verbal and non-verbal testing and practical psychometrics; teaching and research supervision, Faculty of Education; planning first African psychology department; lecturing and group interaction seminars, Ghana IV Peace Corps programme, University of California Berkeley, with follow up counselling in Ghana; contributing to workshops and conferences in France, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and USA.

1948 – 1961
Chief Research Officer, Department of Neuropsychology, National Institute for Personnel Research, Johannesburg, South Africa, under Professor Simon Biesheuvel.  Duties included development of programme for laboratory and field research on psychological correlates of psychophysiological measures with special reference to temperament, personality and intelligence; establishing laboratory for clinical and experimental electroencephalographic studies of normal and abnormal behaviour; training of psycho physiological technicians and research assistants; exploring objective and subjective properties of alcohol, cannabis, lysergic acid diethylamide-25, mescaline sulphates, psilocybin and psilocyn; field expeditions with mobile laboratory for neuropsychological study of ethnic groups in urban and rural areas;  neuropsychological research in forensic medicine, psychiatry and gerontology; lecturing for South African Air Force and in Departments of Psychology, Physiology and Psychiatry, Witwatersrand University; consulting for Sterkfontein Mental Hospital; expert witness in law courts, Johannesburg; participating in workshops and conferences in Belgium, Canada, France, Holland, South Africa, UK and USA.


Simon Biesheuvel Medal for Contributions to the Behavioural Sciences in Africa South of the Sahara, 1969
Visiting Professor, University of Ghana, 1974
Senior Visiting Fellow, Green College, Oxford, 1987
Institute of Child Development Fellow, University of Minneapolis, USA, 1991
Council member, Nigerian Psychological Association, 1983 – 1988
International Programming Committee Third International Conference, Children in the Information Age, Varna, Bulgaria, 1987.
Meeting of experts for an international comparative study of the influence of informatics on children of various countries, Tolboukhin, Bulgaria, 1988
International project advisory council, Research Centre in Educational Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1988
Scientific advisor, Information Technology in Education and Children, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1988 – 91
Executive Committee, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1973 – 1975
Member, International Brain Research Organisation, 1962 – now
Member, Zimbabwean Psychological Society, 1986 - 89
Occasional member: African Studies Association, International Association of Applied Psychology, Pan-African Association of Neurological Sciences, Inter-American Psychology Association.


Journal of the National Institute for Personnel Research, Johannesburg, 1952–1958

Psychologia Africana (editor) 1958–1961

Journal of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1960-1962

Afro-American Studies, 1970-1975

Nigerian Journal of Psychology, 1977-1986

African Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 1978-1986

Journal of Social Psychology, 1981-1998 (now Advisor)

African Journal of Psychology, 1986-2000 (now Advisor)


1955 – South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, grant for a nine month lecturing and study tour of scientific institutions in USA, Canada, France and UK, and three months research with the Burden Neurological Institute, Bristol.

1957 – Nuffield Foundation grant for toposcopic research on travelling waves in the brain, the Burden Neurological Institute, Bristol

1960 – Carnegie Corporation award for review of gerontological research in USA and participation in the First International Conference of Gerontological Sciences, San Francisco.

1973 – Nuffield Foundation award for research project on development of visual exploration patterns in Nigerian infants and children (with Prof  Obulu  Okonji)

1978 – Spencer Foundation award for research on mother-infant communication and the development of cross-cultural understanding in Lagos, Nigeria and Edinburgh, Scotland (with Prof C Trevarthen)

1978 – Study leave from University of Lagos for analysis in Edinburgh of Nigerian mother-infant interaction videotapes (with Kevan Bundell)

1982 – University of Lagos grant for research on diagnosis and therapy of children with communication problems (with Helen Nwanze)

1984 – University of Lagos Sabbatical leave, Mexico, USA and UK

1986 – Senior Visiting Fellow, Green College, Oxford University

1986 – University of Zimbabwe grant for study of computer-facilitated technological intelligence in Shona and Ndebele children

1987 – World Health Organisation grant for community based approach to psychological health in Zimbabwean children

1988 – University of Zimbabwe grant for research on the mother-infant relation as a therapeutic paradigm for speech delayed and mentally retarded children

1990 – British Council travel grant for keynote address, Nairobi workshop on teaching and research in psychology in central and southern Africa; Nairobi, Kenya

1991 – NIH grant for discussion of African and African-American axis of workshop contributions on cognitive socialization of minority children, Washington, D.C., USA

1992 – Grant from Karolinska Institute, Sweden for study of sexuality and sexual behaviour among Nigerian women in London and subsequent presentation of results at seminar in Stockholm

1992 – University of Edinburgh travel grant for seminar on cross-cultural studies of moral development, Scotland

1992 – Grant from Karolinska Institute, Sweden and Hull University, UK for study of sexuality and sexual behaviour among Zairean women and men in Brussels

2000 – Grant from Ford Foundation for presentation of keynote address “Fifty Years of Psychology in Africa” at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology at Pultusk, Poland.


University of Nigeria, Nsukka, BSc and BA Psychology, 1972-1975, 1978-1981; MSc Psychology, 1983; PhD Clinical Psychology,1984

University of Zambia, Lusaka, BSc, BA, MA, MSc and PhD Psychology, 1972-1987

University of Hong Kong, PhD Psychology, 1974

University of Ghana, Legon, BA, BSc, MA, MSc Psychology 1975-1984

Edinburgh University, Scotland, PhD, Developmental Psychology, 1977

MacQuarie University, Sydney, Australia, MA and PhD Educational Psychology, 1978, 1980

University of Ife, Nigeria, BSc and MSc Psychology, 1980-1983

University of Jos, Nigeria, BSc Psychology and PhD Organisational Psychology, 1980-1985

University of Abidjan, Nigeria, BSc Psychology, 1985, examination results arbitrator


Motivation and the industrial worker, National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, Nigeria, 1984

Are adult moral standards affected by education? A Nigerian analysis (with R Bundy), International Congress of Psychology, Acapulco, Mexico, 1984

Training of psychotherapists for minority groups, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Acapulco, Mexico, 1984

Training of clinical psychologists in Nigeria, Keynote Address, Annual Conference of Nigerian Clinical Psychologists, Jos, Nigeria, 1985

Moral development in Nigeria, Switzerland and USA, Universities of Edinburgh, Oxford and Geneva, 1987

Perceptual development in infancy, Oxford University, 1987

Creativity, intelligence and LOGO; a Zimbabwean study (with D Wilson) 2nd International Conference on Children in the Information Age, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1987

Mother-infant communication: a paradigm for language remediation (with Helen Nwanze), Workshop on Early Intervention, Commonwealth Association for Mental Handicap and Development Disabilities, Lusaka, Zambia, 1987

Environmental factors in intelligence development, Zimbabwe Psychological Association, 1987

The psychology of cross-cultural negotiation, Human Resources International Barter-Trade Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1988

Social intelligence in African and western cultures: cross-cultural differences in moral development, IACCP 9th International Congress, Newcastle Australia, 1988

History of psychology in Africa, 24th International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, 1988

Social and technological influences on intelligence development, 24th International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, 1988

African art and social change, Ealing College, London, 1989

Computers and cognition, Ealing College, London, 1989

Language development in Nigerian and Zimbabwean Children (with Helen Nwanze), 2nd IACCP Regional Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 1989

Mother-child interaction in Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe (with Helen Nwanze), 2nd IACCP Regional Conference Amsterdam, Holland, 1989

Reflections on Kwame Nkrumah, Invited Lecture, 80th Birthday Anniversary of the late Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Lambeth Council Chambers, Brixton, London, 1989

Psychological teaching and research in the Universities of Zimbabwe, Harare, Harare and Lagos, Nigeria; implications for national development, Keynote Address, Regional Conference on the Current Status of Teaching Psychology and Psychological Research in Eastern and Southern Africa; the Role of Psychology in National Development, Nairobi, Kenya, 1989

Discussant, African and African-American axis, Workshop on Cultural Continuities and Discontinuities in the Cognitive Socialisation of Minority Children, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, USA, 1991

Joint convenor (with Helen Nwanze) of symposium, Social Transactions by Disabled Children; a Medium for Learning, 11th Biennial Meetings of the ISSBD, University of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1991

The mother-infant relation: a therapeutic paradigm, 11th Biennial Meetings of the ISSBD, Minneapolis, USA, 1991

Sexual attitudes of Nigerian women in London, International Health Care Research Workshop on Sexuality and Sexual Behaviour, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 1992

Cultural variations in the social representation of intelligence and the cognitive socialization of black minorities in western cultures, Edinburgh University, Scotland, 1992

Implications of Cross-Cultural Research for Advertising, Advertising Meets Academia Conference, University of Zimbabwe, 1996

Mindscapes: Embodiments of Souls, Second Qualitative Methods Conference, University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1996

Deconstructing the Art of Mindscapes: Implications for Therapy, Third Qualitative Methods Conference, UNISA, Durban, South Africa, 1997

Deconstructing the Art of Mindscapes: Cross-Cultural and Therapeutic Implications, IACCP Silver Jubilee Conference, Western Washington University, Bellingham, USA 1998

Mindscapes: Cross-Cultural and Therapeutic Implications, University of California Workshop, Los Angeles, 1998

Social Representations of Sexuality through Interpersonal Agreement Analysis: A Cross-Cultural Study of African Prostitutes and others, by Bundy, Chinogwenya, Mundy-Castle and Lisgarten, IACCP Silver Jubilee Conference, Western Washington University, Bellingham, 1998

Fifty Years of Psychology in Africa – Reflections of a Cross-Cultural Psychologist, Keynote address at IACCP Conference, Pultusk, Poland, 2000

Painting other Minds: a Novel Perspective in Psychology, IACCP Conference, Pultusk, Poland, 2000.

Papers on Mindscapes to art groups throughout Natal and Gauteng with follow-up workshops.

Practical application of Mindscapes in 10 workshops with a view to spreading
understanding of self and others among people in corporate institutions.


1949    Electroencephalography, Bulletin of the National Institute for Personnel Research (Bull. NIPR), 1,(2), 26-34

Some aspects of behaviour, Bull. NIPR, 1, (3), 4-8

An investigation into the measurement of critical fusion frequency and its improvement with practice, Bull. NIPR, 1, (4), 4-8

A further note on emotional instability, Bull. NIPR, 1, (4), 31-36

1950    The behaviour problem: a reply to criticisms, Bull. NIPR, 2, (1), 25-28

The nature and function of the alpha rhythm, Bull. NIPR, 2, (3), 25-33

The determination of tachistoscopic exposure time, Bull. NIPR, 2, (3), 40-43

1951    The measurement of mental imagery: a preliminary investigation, Bull. NIPR, 3, (3), 37-44

A case in which visual hallucinations related to past experience were evoked by photic stimulation, Journal of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG Journal), 3, 353-356

Theta and beta rhythms in the electroencephalograms of normal adults, EEG Journal, 3, 477-486

1952    An investigation into the visibility of road signs (with Simon
Biesheuvel), Bull. NIPR, 4, (1), 60-65

1953    Cybernetics, South African Medical Journal (SA Med J), 27, 49-53

Clinical significance of electroencephalography, SA Med J, 27, 298-320

An analysis of central responses to photic stimulation, EEG Journal, 5, 187-202

Electrical responses of the brain in relation to behaviour, British Journal of Psychology, 44, 318-329

The psychophysiological significance of the galvanic skin response (with Beryl McKiever), Journal of Experimental Psychology, 46, 15-24

A comparative study of the electroencephalograms of normal Africans and Europeans of Southern Africa (with Beryl McKiever and Tertia Prinsloo) EEG Journal, 5, 553-543

1954    The electroencephalogram in manic-depressive psychosis (with
L A Hurst and Diane Beerstecher), Journal of Mental Science, 100, 220-240

The electroencephalogram in the senile psychoses (with L A Hurst, Diane Beerstecher and Tertia Prinsloo) EEG Journal, 6, 245-252

Electroencephalography and forensic medicine, I – Introduction to Electroencephalography, Journal of Forensic Medicine, 1, 338-359.

1955    Electroencephalography and forensic medicine, 11 – Forensic
           implications, J. Forens. Med., 2, 95-117

           The alpha rhythm and rate of visual perception, Journal of the NIPR,
6, 38-43

The electroencephalogram in twenty-two cases of murder or attempted murder, with appendix on possible significance of alphoid rhythms, Journal of the NIPR, 61, 103-120

1956    The electroencephalogram in relation to temperament, Acta
Psychologica, 11, 397-411

The relationship between primary-secondary function and the alpha rhythm of the electroencephalogram, Journal of the NIPR, 6, 95-102

1957    L’electroencephalogramme et sa relation avec le temperament, EEG Journal, Suppl. 6, 221-133

The electroencephalogram and mental activity, EEG Journal, 9, 643-655

EEG and toposcopic study of conditioned central flicker response, Proc. S. Afric. Psychol. Assn., 7, 10-11

1958    Psychological problems of space flight, S.Afric. Journal of Science, 54, 225-230

Electrophysiological correlates of intelligence, Journal of Personality, 26, 184-199

An appraisal of electroencephalography in relation to psychology, Journal of the NIPR, Monograph Supplement No. 2, 43 pp.

1959    Neurophysiological and philosophical implications of parapsychology, Proc.S. Afric. Society for Psychical Research, 3, 14-22

1960    Spatial and temporal characteristics of the alpha rhythm: a toposcopic analysis (with R. Cooper) EEG Journal, 12, 153-165

Intelligence, personality and brain rhythms (with G.K. Nelson), Nature, 185, 47111, 484-485

Discussion of G.K. Nelson’s “The measurement and significance of brain rhythms”, Transactions of the S. Afric. Inst. for Electrical Engineers, 51, 12, 17

Comments on Saunders’ “Further implications of Mundy-Castle’s correlations between EEG and Wechsler-Bellevue variables”, Journal of the NIPR, 8, 102-105

           Factors influencing relations between tapping speed and alpha rhythm (with Lola Sugarman), EEG Journal, 12, 885-904

1962     Central excitability in the aged, in Medical and Clinical Aspects of    Ageing, ed H.T. Alimental, Columbia Univ. Press, NY, 575-595

A neuropsychological study of the Knysna forest workers (with G.K. Nelson), Psychologia Afrikana, 91, 240-272

Drugs and the organisation of mind, Ghana Journal of Science, 2, 116-129

Considerations for psychological research in West Africa, Proc. Nigerian Inst. For Social and Economic Research, Ibadan, 171-173

1965    A psychological test battery for predicting performance of students at the Nurses Training College, Accra (with R.D. Trent), Ghana Medical Journal, 4, 24-25

1966    Pictorial depth perception in Ghanaian children, International Journal of Psychology, 1, 289-300; reprinted 1967, D. Price-Williams (ed), Cross-Cultural Studies, Harmondsworth, Penguin

1967    Psychology in Ghana: studies of the electrical rhythms of the brain in D. Brokensha and M. Crowder (eds), Africa in the Wider World, Oxford, Pergamon, 222-260

An experimental study of prediction among Ghanaian children, Journal of Social Psychology, 73l, 161-168

1968   The development of nations: some psychological considerations, Journal of Social Issues, 24, 45-56

Gestalt continuation and design copying in Ghanaian children, Ghana Journal of Child Development, 1, 40-63

1969   Electroencephalographic studies in Ghana, in N S Scrimshaw and J E Gordon (eds), Malnutrition, Learning and Behaviour, Cambridge, MIT, 302-303

1970   Culture, communication and social change, Proceedings of the 11th Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Mexico City

           Epilepsy and the electroencephalogram in Ghana, African Journal of Medical Science, 1, 221-235

           The descent of meaning, Social Science Information, 9, 125-141

1971     The total approach to health education: why posters are not enough, Journal of Social Health in Nigeria, 6, 157-159

1972   Twins Seven Seven (with Victoria Scott), African Arts, Autumn, 8–13

1973 A methodological note: the development of visual attention in infants,
            In D.J. Kallen (ed), Nutrition, Development and Social Behaviour, NIH, Washington, DC

1974   Looking strategies in infants (with J.Anglin), in J L Stone, H T Smith
           and L P Murphy (eds), The Competent Infant: Handbook of Readings,
           New York, Basic Books.

            Early experience and cognitive development: a report from Lagos, in J L M Dawson and W J Lonner (eds), Readings in Cross-Cultural Psychology, Hong Kong, University Press

            Social and technological intelligence in western and non-western cultures, in S. Pilowsky (ed), Cultures in Collision, Adelaide, Australian National Association for Mental Health. Reprinted in Universitas, Legon, University of Ghana, 4 46-52

1975   Cross-cultural electroencephalographic studies, in J W Prescott, M S Read and D B Coursin (eds) Brain Function and Malnutrition, New York, Wiley

1976   Psychology and the Search for Meaning, Inaugural Lecture, Lagos, University Press

1977   Psychology and Nigerian Traffic, Nigerian Journal of Psychology Monograph, reprinted in Spanish, 1980, Newsletter of the Sociedad Mexicana de Psicologia, Mexico City

1979   Looking strategies in infants: a cross-cultural study (with O Odiakosa and R P Bundy), Proceedings of the Pan African Association of Neurological Sciences, Lagos, University Press

1980   Perception and communication in infancy: a cross-cultural study, in D Olsen (ed), the Social Foundations of Language and Thought: Essays in Honor of Jerome Bruner, New York, Norton

1981   Art, psychology and social change, Black Orpheus, 4, 1, 7-11

1982  Psychology in architecture, Nigerian Journal of Psychology.

            Social and emotional aspects of infant development: a Nigerian study in R. Rajalakshmi (ed), Nutrition and the Development of the Child, Special Issue, Baroda Journal of Nutrition, 9, 103-109

1983   Education and morality, PWPA Regional Seminar Proceedings, Ikeja, Lagos

1984   Medical ethics: a psychologist’s view, in A.Akpata, (ed) Medical Ethics, Lagos University Press

            Are western psychological concepts valid in Africa? A Nigerian review, in S. Irvine and J W Berry, Human Assessment and Cultural Factors, New York, Plenum

            Looking strategies in Nigerian infants: a cross-cultural study (with R P Bundy), in Valerie Curran (ed) Nigerian Children: Developmental Perspectives, London, Routledge and Regan Paul

            Nigerian field research with infants and mothers: studies of perception, communication and interaction (with R P Bundy and Helen Nwanze), in S Irvine (ed) Human Assessment: Cognition and Motivation, New York, Plenum

            Nigerian mothers and babies: the essence of education, PWPA Regional Workshop Proceedings, Jos, Nigeria

1985   Reflections of a psychologist on the War Against Indiscipline, National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, Nigeria

1986   How universal and specific is emotional experience?:  Evidence from 27 countries on 5 continents (with HG Talbot, K R Scherer et al), Social Science Information, 24, 763-795

            Cognitive effects of LOGO and computer-aided instruction among Zimbabwean schoolgirls (with D Wilson, J and P Sibanda, and S Leveler) Psychological Reports, 66, 946

1992   Social and technological intelligence in minority children of African descent, in P M Greenfield and R R Cocking (Chairs), Continuities and Discontinuities in the Cognitive Socialisation of Minority Children, Proceedings of a workshop, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Washington D.M.

            Field differentiation and LOGO performance among Zimbabwean schoolgirls (with D Wilson, J and P Sibanda), Journal of Social Psychology.

1993   Human behaviour and national development: conceptual and theoretical perspectives, Ife Psychologia, 1, 1-16

1996   Implications of social representation theory for advertising: a study of the People’s Roadshow in Zimbabwe.  Southern African Encounter.

            Mindscapes: Embodiments of Souls. Proceedings of the Second Qualitative Methods Conference, Johannesburg.

1997   Deconstructing the Art of Mindscapes: Implications for Therapy.  Proceedings of the Third Qualitative Methods Conference, Durban.

1998  Deconstructing the Art of Mindscapes: Cross Cultural and Therapeutic
     Implications, Proceedings of the IACCP Silver Jubilee Conference,
Western Washington University, Bellingham, USA

      1998  Social Representations of Sexuality through Interpersonal Agreement
    Analysis: A Cross-Cultural Study of African Prostitutes and others, by
    Bundy, Chinogwenya, Mundy-Castle and Lisgarten. Proceedings of the
    IACCP SilverJubilee Conference, Western Washington University,

     2000  Fifty Years of Psychology in Africa – Reflections of a Cross-Cultural
    Psychologist, Keynote address at IACCP Conference, Pultusk, Poland
    (to be published)

                Painting other minds: a novel perspective in psychology, IACCP        
    Conference, Pultusk, Poland

2003 Implication of cross-cultural psychology for Advertising, Ife Psychologia,           Vol 11 No.2

Bee Mundy-Castle,


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